Welcome MiDEAL Members!

Thank you for visiting the Cultural Intelligence Center.  At the Cultural Intelligence Center, we believe our differences should empower us to build a better world. Scroll down to learn more.

a culturally intelligenent approach to training and consulting

In today’s economic climate, how do you build a better world when companies are faced with new realities such as:

  • Managing the “great resignation”
  • Navigating the “work from anywhere” culture
  • Succeeding when teams are distributed across the world
  • Continuing to build on past training
    Developing a culture that is open & inclusive.

The short answer comes down to understanding one’s own Cultural Intelligence (CQ®).  If you are not aware, CQ is a globally recognized way of assessing and improving one’s own effectiveness in culturally or everyday diverse situations.  We recommend using CQ as the framework for diversity, leadership, communication and team effectiveness training. Watch the video to learn more about the impact of CQ.

Take advantage of the great discounts that MiDEAL members receive!  Scroll down to meet your MiDEAL Account Manager, see how we help, and see how our solutions can benefit your organization.

How we help

Now it is time to rethink past experiences and equip yourself and your teams with the essential tools to navigate the new reality of our world. To help you achieve your goals faster, we have developed a variety of solutions for government, K-12, universities, and healthcare professionals.

Government agencies often struggle balancing the need for a diverse and inclusive workplace with the hesitation that comes from engaging in topics that have become polarizing. In the public sector, officials serve individuals from a wide range of cultural backgrounds and political ideologies. A culturally intelligent approach can be broadly applied to help you better meet the needs of constituents and colleagues no matter what cultural differences arise.
K-12 Schools
Schools shape the future of our society, and educators bear the responsibility of helping their students learn how to be global citizens. Students in the classroom come from a wide range of cultural backgrounds, and so do your colleagues. Cultural intelligence equips educators to meet each student’s individual needs, while creating a classroom experience that is inclusive of all cultural backgrounds.
Colleges & Universities
Intercultural competence is an essential capability that college students must learn if they want to succeed in their chosen career fields. Many universities offer study abroad experiences, but are students truly prepared to embark on an international experience and embrace the vastly different cultures of the world? With students from every corner of the world on one campus, it is critical that faculty, staff, and students understand how to leverage difference in order to create a campus experience that benefits everyone.
Healthcare workers have stresses that many cannot fathom. These stresses make their jobs hard enough, but they also make healthcare workers more prone to acting on biases unintentionally. While intention matters, unconscious bias can have deadly consequences when directed at patients, and they can also make the workplace setting uncomfortable for everyone. Many healthcare systems are struggling to meet the LARA-mandated implicit bias requirements due to capacity and time. Our LARA-compliant training is available around-the-clock, and it frames bias in a non-polarizing way that goes beyond “checking the box.”
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solution overview

We understand that sometimes organizations struggle to maximize the value of their training initiatives.  This can lead to training fatigue and even resentment toward future training initiatives.  Our training solutions are designed to:

Measure Training Effectiveness

We are the only global organization that can assess and measure an individual’s Cultural Intelligence. Our academically valid assessments and research-based training methods equip organizations to measure outcomes and enable behavior change.

Provide Post Training Engagement

We give each participant personalized feedback, and we provide tangible skills and strategies for everyday practice and improvement.

Combat Training Fatigue & Polarization

Our cultural approach is non-polarizing, and we provide neutral shared language that facilitates open dialogue for participants. There is no right or wrong, just understanding of our differences and how to work together more effectively.

Our solutions include:

What They Are Saying

Why the cultural intellegince center and CQ?

We help people work together more effectively

The ability to work effectively with people from different nationalities, ethnicities, age groups is a MUST in today’s workplace. We offer practical training programs, workshops, certifications, and assessments that are industry-specific to improve team & individuals’ everyday interactions. And we can measure the improvement to behavioral changes, using our quantitative, research backed Cultural Intelligence framework.

Our training makes a difference, and we can prove it!

The Cultural Intelligence Center is certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise by Great Lakes Women’s Business Council, a WBENC Regional Partner Organization. 

In Culturally Diverse Situations, High CQ predicts:

  • Personal adjustment and adaptability
  • Judgement and decision making
  • Negotiation effectiveness
  • Trust, idea sharing, and innovation
  • Leadership effectiveness
  • Profitability and cost-savings

Benefits of CQ include:

  • Unlocking the innovative potential of diverse teams
  • Providing a mental model to contextualize multicultural interactions
  • Neutral, shared language
  • Conducting equitable hiring processes
  • Scalable and customized training options
  • Professional development & growth
  • Better equipped leaders that help create a culturally intelligent organization

Meet Your mideal Account Manager - Jessica Golan

Hello!  My name is Jessica Golan and I am a Business Development Consultant with the Cultural Intelligence Center. I am a dynamic Corporate BD leader, with over 10 years of developing and executing sales initiatives. I am a collaborative business partner in all aspects of building strong, strategic client relationships. I graduated from Michigan State University and received her B.A. in Marketing from the Eli Broad Business School.  I enjoy cooking, traveling, staying active, and watching football. I have a passion for and vested interest in helping local organizations build a better world together, and I am very excited to be supporting MiDEAL partners in their cultural intelligence journey!

Let's Work Together

As your MiDEAL Account Manager, I am excited for the opportunity to help you start your journey toward cultural intelligence.  The first steps by contacting me directly.  My team and I will work with you to determine the best solution that will meet your needs.  

Get started, please complete the form below and I will get back to you within 1-2 business days.

  • Would you like to subscribe to our monthly Cultural Intelligence Center newsletter?

Cultural Intelligence Center, LLC
Contract #:  210000001261
Contact: Jessica Golan
Phone:  248.763.8013
Email:  jessica.golan@culturalq.com
Schedule a Meeting: Online Calendar
Contract Expires:  7/31/2024

Complimentary Cultural Intelligence for Leaders Packet

Learn to Lead with Cultural Intelligence

Now, more than ever, companies need effective leaders at all levels of the organization. Being able to bring together and get the best out of team members from different generations, socio-economic backgrounds, ethnic roots, countries, religions, and educational backgrounds requires a Culturally Intelligent Leader.

We have a collection of Cultural Intelligence leadership articles written by social scientist, speaker, and author Dr. David Livermore.  The article topics include:

  • 5 Questions Culturally Intelligent Leaders Ask Themselves Every Day
  • Leadership Advice You Should Ignore
  • How Culturally Intelligent Leaders Make Decisions

About the Author

David Livermore, PhD (Michigan State University) is a social scientist devoted to the topics of cultural intelligence (CQ) and global leadership and the author of several award-winning books. Learn more about Dr. David Livermore by visiting his website.

To receive your complimentary CQ for Leaders Packet, please provide your email address below.

By submitting this form, you agree to receive promotional emails from The Cultural Intelligence Center (you can opt-out at any time).  We will send you an email with a link to download CQ for Leaders Packet.