MyCQ™ for Study Abroad

  • Two and a half hours of e-Learning content divided into individual modules covering Cultural Intelligence, Cultural Values, and study abroad tips and advice
  • 13 pre-departure modules including actual experiences, stories, and guidance from past study abroad students
  • 1 post-travel module including reflection content, discussion of changes in Cultural Intelligence scores, and guidelines for writing a meaningful reflection paper
  • Highly interactive modules with quizzes, exercises, and videos to engage learners of all types
  • Those who complete the course:
    • Have a solid understanding of their own cultural intelligence
    • How their scores compare to worldwide norms
    • How to apply their CQ strengths during their time abroad
    • Will be able to define and describe the ten cultural value orientations
    • Will be able to identify their own cultural value preferences and how they relate to the cultural value preferences of others in their study abroad destination
    • Will learn tips for studying abroad

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Complimentary Cultural Intelligence for Leaders Packet

Learn to Lead with Cultural Intelligence

Now, more than ever, companies need effective leaders at all levels of the organization. Being able to bring together and get the best out of team members from different generations, socio-economic backgrounds, ethnic roots, countries, religions, and educational backgrounds requires a Culturally Intelligent Leader.

We have a collection of Cultural Intelligence leadership articles written by social scientist, speaker, and author Dr. David Livermore.  The article topics include:

  • 5 Questions Culturally Intelligent Leaders Ask Themselves Every Day
  • Leadership Advice You Should Ignore
  • How Culturally Intelligent Leaders Make Decisions

About the Author

David Livermore, PhD (Michigan State University) is a social scientist devoted to the topics of cultural intelligence (CQ) and global leadership and the author of several award-winning books. Learn more about Dr. David Livermore by visiting his website.

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