Cultural Intelligence Solutions for Higher Education
From assessments to e-Learnings to professional development, we offer a variety of research-based solutions. All with discounted pricing as well as administrator or student-pay options. Learn more
Teaching Cultural Intelligence
Dealing with interpersonal differences in the workplace is a key requirement for effective management and teamwork, but it is difficult to teach.
We train individuals, teams, and leaders to overcome differences and improve their performance by applying Cultural Intelligence (CQ®). We also train teachers and provide teaching materials to make it easy to teach CQ in the classroom.
Research published in top-tier academic journals has shown that Cultural Intelligence predicts work performance, leadership effectiveness, creativity and innovation, teamwork, and a host of other positive outcomes.
Cultural Intelligence Teaching Options

Most CQ training starts with the
CQ Assessment.
You can purchase blocks of assessments or assign students to purchase their own at special educational prices.
Everyone who takes the assessment receives a detailed feedback report that compares their scores with Worldwide Norms and offers help to improve.

It’s easy to add CQ teaching and assessments to your class with our sample syllabi and other teaching aids.
In addition to assessments, we also offer short or long e-Learning courses that reinforce key learning points.

Getting certified in CQ is the best way to learn about the Cultural Intelligence model, the research, the scoring model and worldwide norms.
In addition to earning a valuable professional credential, you also receive a license to use the CQ Assessment and training materials on your own behalf.
The Research Behind Cultural Intelligence
Cultural Intelligence was first discussed in academic literature about 20 years ago. Since that time, over 1,000 articles about CQ have been published in academic journals.
The CQ Assessment has been tested for validity and Cultural Intelligence has been shown to predict a wide variety of positive outcomes.

Behavioral Preferences
Cultural Intelligence was first used primarily as a conceptual model for dealing with individual differences as influenced by national cultural values. Research on various national cultures showed clear cross-border differences in average approaches to decision-making (collectivistic vs. individualistic), communication styles (direct vs. indirect), preferences for risk avoidance (high vs. low uncertainty avoidance) and other behavioral patterns.
Today, we find it more useful to discuss these differences at the individual level. We have surveyed individual differences in over 300,000 individuals across 150 countries and find that individuals differ in their behavioral preferences across generational, national, ethnic, professional, and similar groupings. Cultural Values, or individual “Behavioral Preferences” provide a non-judgmental, easy to understand way of understanding and discussing individual differences. Adapting to individual differences enhances teamwork and generally improves work performance.
Cultural Intelligence in Your School
Business Schools, Medical Schools, Nursing Schools, and Law Schools around the world have successfully incorporated CQ training into their curricula in a variety of ways.
Some schools make our assessments part of specific courses, while others use CQ programmatically for all incoming students. Executive MBA programs, for example, find that providing an early introduction to CQ and Behavioral Preferences helps students work more effectively in teams and teaches leadership skills.
Download a Free Whitepaper on Behavioral Preferences for Leaders
Some schools use CQ Training results as part of Accreditation reviews. We provide CQ Assessments that compare T1 and T2 results after training events or other interventions.
Many universities have found that , by adding Cultural Intelligence training to Study Abroad programs, they can provide students with a richer and more meaningful experience. We can provide suggestions for student assignments while abroad and we make special e-Learnings to compliment the Study Abroad experience.
Some schools find that international students benefit from CQ training as part of the initial welcome experience. Behavioral Preferences provide an easy to understand, non-judgmental way of discussing and understanding cultural differences.
Our assessments and other products are available to qualified schools or educators at heavily discounted education prices.