CQ Talent™

Ensure a culturally intelligent hiring process. CQ Talent helps you select the job candidates who are most likely to thrive in a diverse, unpredictable environment by assessing their CQ, cultural values, and their fit with your team.

Hiring managers interview candidates for their fit with a job. CQ Talent™ helps assess a candidate's fit within your Team and company culture. Learn more about CQ Talent™

Contact Us to Learn More

  • What is CQ Talent™?
  • Who it is for?
  • Benefits
  • How does it Work?
  • Package Details
Cultural Intelligence

A product that uses the CQ Assessment for the purposes of assessing prospective job candidates.

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Designed for use by recruiters and hiring managers to assess prospective candidates Cultural Intelligence (CQ), cultural values, attitude towards diversity, work values, team fit, and more.

Based on the well-validated CQ Assessment, with new measures of validity that provide feedback on candidate:

  • Self-presentation
  • Work Values
  • Attitude towards Diversity
  • Psychological Ownership of Work
  • Attention to Detail
Cultural Intelligence
  • Recruiting and HR Teams – Helps with evidence-based recruiting, measurability, elimination of the collective bias in the selection and recruitment process while providing an evidence based recruitment process which is more reliable and efficient.
  • Diversity Teams – Focuses on the management of bias in the recruiting process, enhances diversity within the organization and team while de-emphasizing cultural fit.
  • Hiring Managers – Foster innovative, efficient and diverse teams with high levels of CQ.
  • Improved hiring knowledge helps avoid costly mistakes
  • Objective feedback reporting helps address bias in the process
  • Feedback includes optional data on “fit” with prospective team
  • Cost and time investment are minimal – a few dollars per job
  • Measurable, evidence-based approach for understanding cultural values (cultural fit) and cultural intelligence (adaptation skills)
  • The recruiter prepares a short “job profile” and sets up a new “job search” in the CQ Learning Portal
  • Candidates take the CQ for Hiring Assessment online
  • Each candidate’s assessment generates a feedback report to the recruiter and hiring manager
  • Additional reporting includes a comparison of cultural values:
    • Candidates Cultural Values are reported against Team values
    • Candidates Cultural Values are compared to those of the recruiter and the hiring manager
  • Time investment is minimal: 10 minutes to set up a new job search; 20-25 minutes for a candidate to complete the assessment

Complete package includes

  • Access to unlimited online candidate assessments*
  • Comprehensive reference manual with setup instructions and report interpretation discussion
  • Interview guide with possible interview questions
  • Online e-learnings for hiring and supervising managers
  • Live support for setup or questions

*CQ Talent™ is a subscription-based product with annual pricing based on estimated annual hires. Contact us for pricing.

What is CQ Talent™?
Cultural Intelligence

A product that uses the CQ Assessment for the purposes of assessing prospective job candidates.

Download Brochure

Designed for use by recruiters and hiring managers to assess prospective candidates Cultural Intelligence (CQ), cultural values, attitude towards diversity, work values, team fit, and more.

Based on the well-validated CQ Assessment, with new measures of validity that provide feedback on candidate:

  • Self-presentation
  • Work Values
  • Attitude towards Diversity
  • Psychological Ownership of Work
  • Attention to Detail
Who it is for?
Cultural Intelligence
  • Recruiting and HR Teams – Helps with evidence-based recruiting, measurability, elimination of the collective bias in the selection and recruitment process while providing an evidence based recruitment process which is more reliable and efficient.
  • Diversity Teams – Focuses on the management of bias in the recruiting process, enhances diversity within the organization and team while de-emphasizing cultural fit.
  • Hiring Managers – Foster innovative, efficient and diverse teams with high levels of CQ.
  • Improved hiring knowledge helps avoid costly mistakes
  • Objective feedback reporting helps address bias in the process
  • Feedback includes optional data on “fit” with prospective team
  • Cost and time investment are minimal – a few dollars per job
  • Measurable, evidence-based approach for understanding cultural values (cultural fit) and cultural intelligence (adaptation skills)
How does it Work?
  • The recruiter prepares a short “job profile” and sets up a new “job search” in the CQ Learning Portal
  • Candidates take the CQ for Hiring Assessment online
  • Each candidate’s assessment generates a feedback report to the recruiter and hiring manager
  • Additional reporting includes a comparison of cultural values:
    • Candidates Cultural Values are reported against Team values
    • Candidates Cultural Values are compared to those of the recruiter and the hiring manager
  • Time investment is minimal: 10 minutes to set up a new job search; 20-25 minutes for a candidate to complete the assessment
Package Details

Complete package includes

  • Access to unlimited online candidate assessments*
  • Comprehensive reference manual with setup instructions and report interpretation discussion
  • Interview guide with possible interview questions
  • Online e-learnings for hiring and supervising managers
  • Live support for setup or questions

*CQ Talent™ is a subscription-based product with annual pricing based on estimated annual hires. Contact us for pricing.

Overview Video - CQ for Hiring

Watch this short video from David Livermore, President of the Cultural Intelligence Center. David discusses CQ and how the product CQ Talent fits into the hiring process.


About the Cultural Intelligence Center

Who We Are

The Cultural Intelligence Center is an innovative, research-based consulting and training organization that draws upon empirical findings to help executives, companies, universities, and government organizations assess and improve cultural intelligence (CQ)—the ability to work effectively with people from different nationalities, ethnicities, age groups, and more. We provide you with innovative solutions that improve multicultural performance based on rigorous academic research.  Watch this short video to learn more.

what we do

We help develop innovative solutions that improve multicultural performance based on rigorous academic research. In culturally diverse situations, CQ helps to predict the following:

  • Personal Adjustment and Adaptability
  • Judgment and Decision Making
  • Negotiation Effectiveness
  • Trust, Idea Sharing, and Innovation
  • Leadership Effectiveness
  • Profitability and Cost-Savings


With our help, organizations that implement CQ solutions typically benefit in many ways including:

  • Success in culturally diverse markets
  • Speed and efficiency when working across borders
  • Effective short-term and long-term global assignments
  • Becoming an employer of choice
  • Profitability and cost savings
  • Multicultural team effectiveness
  • Global virtual team effectiveness

Ready to Improve Your Cultural Intelligence?

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Complimentary Cultural Intelligence for Leaders Packet

Learn to Lead with Cultural Intelligence

Now, more than ever, companies need effective leaders at all levels of the organization. Being able to bring together and get the best out of team members from different generations, socio-economic backgrounds, ethnic roots, countries, religions, and educational backgrounds requires a Culturally Intelligent Leader.

We have a collection of Cultural Intelligence leadership articles written by social scientist, speaker, and author Dr. David Livermore.  The article topics include:

  • 5 Questions Culturally Intelligent Leaders Ask Themselves Every Day
  • Leadership Advice You Should Ignore
  • How Culturally Intelligent Leaders Make Decisions

About the Author

David Livermore, PhD (Michigan State University) is a social scientist devoted to the topics of cultural intelligence (CQ) and global leadership and the author of several award-winning books. Learn more about Dr. David Livermore by visiting his website.

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