Webinar - CQ and Leadership

Culturally intelligent leaders have the skill set to create inclusive, equitable cultures that drive transformative change.

Leadership often gets talked about as if it is a universal skillset. Either you have it or you don’t. Leaders need cultural intelligence in order to adapt to the diverse needs and expectations from their organisations and teams. Culturally intelligent leaders have the skill set to create inclusive, equitable cultures that drive transformative change.

David Livermore and Ritika Wadhwa from the Cultural Intelligence Centre will be hosting a webinar on March 2nd, with two culturally intelligent leaders – Rob Neil OBE and Shahana Ramsden – to discuss what makes a leader culturally intelligent, and the CQ skills that help create inclusive and equitable cultures to drive transformative change. 

During the webinar, we will be discussing:

  1. How you balance the tension of being authentic while also adapting to the diversity of preferences of those you lead.
  2. What challenges you have faced as people of colour, leading in contexts where you’re not among the majority in leadership.
  3. How cultural intelligence has helped you bring about transformation.

Of course, there will also be a chance for you as an attendee to ask your own questions!

Using CQ to Build a DEI Organization

Cultural Intelligence, or CQ, is the foundation and strategic link to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).  As you develop and execute your DEI initiatives within your organization, we recommend doing it one step (or block) at a time. Remember, it’s a journey.

Assess > Explore > Execute > Measure > Sustain

Featured Speakers

Hosts and Moderators

Ritika Wadhwa

Director, UK Operations

Cultural Intelligence Center

David Livermore, PhD

Founding Partner

Cultural Intelligence Center


Shahana Ramsden

Director, Vaccination Workforce and Vaccine Equality Lead

NHS England and NHS Improvement

Rob Neil, OBE


Krystal Alliance

Ritika Wadhwa

Director, UK Operations
Cultural Intelligence Center


Ritika Wadhwa is our Director of UK Operations. She will be responsible for leading the Cultural Intelligence Centre’s work in the UK and beyond. Ritika brings over two decades of extensive experience in client retention, marketing, business development, and project management. Experience she has gained by working with senior stakeholders across continents, the corporate and Government sector.

Born and brought up in India, Ritika has the unique experience of living, studying, and working in senior roles in several multicultural countries. She is passionate about Cultural Intelligence and is a Diversity & Inclusion champion. Ritika has a degree in Economics and an MBA. She is fluent in Hindi, Punjabi, English, and spoken Greek.

David Livermore, PhD

Founding Partner
Cultural Intelligence Center

David Livermore, PhD co-founded the Cultural Intelligence Center with Linn Van Dyne and served as the President for the first eleven years. He continues to serve as a strategic advisor and board member. Dave has written over a dozen books on cultural intelligence and global leadership and has worked with companies, governments, and non-profits in more than 100 countries. He speaks at several international conferences annually. Dave and his wife have two adult daughters. They love traveling together (fortunately!) and sampling the local delicacies, wherever they go. For a full bio, visit Dave’s website.

Shahana Ramsden

Vaccination Workforce and Vaccine Equity Lead, NHS England

Shahana has a 35-year career working in the public sector in health and social care and is currently employed as Director of Vaccination Workforce in the SE Region and Special Adviser on Vaccine Equalities. Shahana co-chairs the NHS England and NHS Improvement, South East Turning the Tide Transformation and Oversight Board which was established during the Covid-19 pandemic to accelerate the region’s response to addressing racial inequalities across workforce and communities.

Shahana has spent her life and career working tirelessly to ensure that the voices of under-represented groups are heard which includes:

  • Leading the Department of Health’s Delivering Race Equality in Mental Health programme as Deputy Director – where she ensured that the voices of BAME users of mental health users were built into the programme.
  • As Director of the Positively Diverse Programme with NHS Employers, Shahana worked with NHS organisations to reduce bullying and harassment and discrimination in the workforce.
  • As Head of Diversity and Inclusion for NHS England and NHS Improvement, Shahana worked with the NHSE/I board and senior leaders to ensure that equality and diversity become a top priority for the organisation.

Rob Neil, OBE

Krystal Alliance

Rob has spent much of his illustrious career working in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ). Over almost 40 years in the civil service, he has made a huge impact in HR, race equality, employee engagement, and diversity and inclusion. He was a founding member of the MoJ’s BAME Staff network in 2001, namely P.R.O.U.D. He ended his tenure as Chair of Civil Service Race Equality Network [CSREN] – known today as CSRF – but continues to support the CSRF as an advisor.

After two years at the DfE as Head of Culture Change and a total of 38 years with the civil service, Rob departed the public sector to launch his own consultancy to support organisations across all sectors to be more inclusive. In October 2021 Rob was included in HR Magazines list of fifty ‘Most Influential Thinkers’. 

Rob was also awarded an OBE in the 2018 New Year’s Honours list for ‘Services to Race Equality in the Workplace and the Community’ and received his gong from the Queen at Buckingham Palace. He was also the inaugural winner of the Investing in Ethnicity’s Workplace Hero Award in November 2018.

Webinar Registration

CQ and Leadership Webinar

Join us as we take a deep dive into the topic of CQ & Leadership with an amazing panel of CQ and leadership experts.

Register Today!

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About Cultural Intelligence Center

The Cultural Intelligence Center is dedicated to the worldwide assessment and development of cultural intelligence or CQ–a globally recognized way of measuring and improving intercultural effectiveness. It owns the only academically validated CQ assessment in the world and offers certification and training for using the assessment. More information about the Cultural Intelligence Center can be found on our website located at http://www.CulturalQ.com.

Complimentary Cultural Intelligence for Leaders Packet

Learn to Lead with Cultural Intelligence

Now, more than ever, companies need effective leaders at all levels of the organization. Being able to bring together and get the best out of team members from different generations, socio-economic backgrounds, ethnic roots, countries, religions, and educational backgrounds requires a Culturally Intelligent Leader.

We have a collection of Cultural Intelligence leadership articles written by social scientist, speaker, and author Dr. David Livermore.  The article topics include:

  • 5 Questions Culturally Intelligent Leaders Ask Themselves Every Day
  • Leadership Advice You Should Ignore
  • How Culturally Intelligent Leaders Make Decisions

About the Author

David Livermore, PhD (Michigan State University) is a social scientist devoted to the topics of cultural intelligence (CQ) and global leadership and the author of several award-winning books. Learn more about Dr. David Livermore by visiting his website.

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