Cultural Intelligence Self-Assessments

Our CQ Assessments measure an individual’s capabilities to work and relate effectively with people from different nationalities, ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds

The Cultural Intelligence Assessment evaluates effectiveness in diverse situations by measuring capabilities in four distinct areas: CQ Drive, CQ Knowledge, CQ Strategy, and CQ Action.

In other words, CQ Assessments measures one’s

  • motivation to interact with people who are different from them
  • knowledge about similarities and differences across cultures
  • ability to strategize before an interaction with someone who is different from them
  • ability to adapt and flex when interactions don’t go according to plan
Cultural Intelligence is also malleable. This means it can be enhanced and improved through a variety of learning methods. Start with an assessment to evaluate levels of CQ today. Then, follow the assessment with an e-Learning course, a certification program, a workshop, or consult with us about what type of learning and development pathway is best for you.
All of our CQ Assessments are built upon extensive, peer-reviewed, research. To learn more about the research basis of our assessments, click here.

CQ Self-Assessment Options

Standard CQ Self-Assessments are listed below. In addition, we have many variations of these assessments including, Study Abroad, Faith Based, Military, Youth, U.S. Domestic, and more.

CQ Basic Assessment

✔ Self-Ratings & Norms for the 4 CQ Capabilities

✔ Self-Ratings & Norms for the 13 CQ Sub-dimensions

✔ Development & Action Plan

Personal Cultural Value Preferences

Comparison of Time 1 and Time 2 scores

CQ Pro Assessment

✔ Self-Ratings & Norms for the 4 CQ Capabilities

✔ Self-Ratings & Norms for the 13 CQ Sub-dimensions

✔ Development & Action Plan

✔ Personal Cultural Value Preferences

Comparison of Time 1 and Time 2 scores

CQ Pre/Post Assessment

✔ Self-Ratings & Norms for the 4 CQ Capabilities at Time 1 and Time 2

✔ Self-Ratings & Norms for the 13 CQ Sub-dimensions at Time 1 and Time 2

✔ Development & Action Plan

✔ Personal Cultural Value Preferences

✔ Comparison of Time 1 and Time 2 scores

Interested in CQ Assessment Products?

CQ Classroom Products

CQ Study Abroad Products

CQ Business Products

Free Download

The CQ Team Packet

Now, more than ever, companies have teams that face challenges due to being multicultural or multigenerational. Teams with Cultural Intelligence can work past these differences and thrive.

We have gathered a collection of Cultural Intelligence team pieces written by social scientist, speaker, author, and CQC co-founder Dr. David Livermore. This manual will help you and your team start their CQ journeys.

To receive your free download, fill out the form below.

By submitting this form, you agree to receive promotional emails from The Cultural Intelligence Center (you can opt-out at any time).  We will send you an email with a link to download the CQ Team Manual