Understanding and Accommodating Cultural Values
Take the Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Assessment to measure your interpersonal effectiveness in culturally diverse situations.
The cultural values profile provides you with a core understanding of your cultural value preferences and how those influence your approach to life and work. Your personalized feedback report will outline your cultural value preferences and how these relate to different clusters of people globally. Follow the assessment with an online learning and dive deeper into core concepts that will provide you with practical examples and tips for working with those who approach life and work differently than you.
You Receive
An invitation to complete the assessment and lifetime access to your personal feedback report
- Cultural Values Profile & Feedback Report (View Sample Report)
- MyCV™ Online Course
Additional Information
Cultural Values Profile: The Cultural Values Profile measures an individual’s personal cultural value orientations. This tool is designed to assess the ten cultural value dimensions. Personalized feedback reports compare personal orientations with cultural cluster norms and include a personalized action plan.
Personal Feedback Reports include:
- Personal Preferences on the 10 cultural values
- Cultural Clusters
- Personal Action Plan
- Tips for working with people on both ends of the value continua
MyCV™ Online Course: Online course to be used following completion of the Cultural Values Profile (CVP). This course describes and defines culture, ten cultural values, and the ten largest cultural clusters in the world. It helps you interpret your own preferences and the preferences of others.
What are Value Preferences?
Cultural values are personal preferences. These values have no intrinsic meaning. In other words, it is not “better” to have one preference or another. Instead, the cultural value dimensions are simply descriptive ways to help individuals think about their own preferences and how they may differ from others.