CQ Pre/Post Assessment: Measure Cultural Intelligence Over Time


Minimum 1 seat.

This product is designed specifically for use in an educational setting. In order to use this product, you must have an approved educational organization in our learning portal. If you have questions about this, please contact us. 

Measure your team’s ability to work and engage effectively across cultures and then compare changes in scores over time.

The CQ Pre/Post Assessment measures an individual’s current intercultural capabilities, and their personal feedback report provides them the opportunity to develop and improve those skills. Use this tool to measure your team’s CQ capabilities at Time 1 and again at Time 2 to see how scores have changed over time.


Learning Objectives:

  • Discover your team’s individual strengths and blind spots, including motivations, ability to adapt, CQ knowledge, and ability to strategize in culturally diverse situations.
  • Discover your team’s orientation on ten cultural values and their impact on how you live & work.
  • Learn how your team’s CQ has changed over time with the Pre/Post comparison.


Your Participants Will Receive:

An invitation to complete the assessment and lifetime access to their personal feedback report.


Additional information about the CQ Pre/Post Assessment & Feedback Report:

The CQ Pre/Post Assessment measures the following at Time 1 & Time 2:

  • CQ Drive: Level of interest, persistence, and confidence during multicultural interactions.
  • CQ Knowledge: Understanding of how cultures are similar and different.
  • CQ Strategy: Awareness and ability to plan for multicultural interactions.
  • CQ Action:Ability to adapt when relating and working in multicultural contexts.


In addition, the CQ Pre/Post Assessment provides mapping of a person’s preferences on 10 cultural values:

  • Individualism vs. Collectivism
  • Low vs. High Power Distance
  • Low vs. High Uncertainty Avoidance
  • Cooperative vs. Competitive
  • Short Term vs. Long Term
  • Direct vs. Indirect
  • Being vs. Doing
  • Universalism vs. Particularism
  • Non-Expressive vs. Expressive
  • Linear vs. Non-Linear


The Feedback Report includes:

  • Self-Ratings & Norms for the 4 CQ Capabilities at Time 1 and Time 2
  • Self-Ratings & Norms for the 13 CQ Sub-dimensions at Time 1 and Time 2
  • Development & Action Plan
  • Comparison of Time 1 and Time 2 CQ scores
  • Personal Cultural Value Preferences


Language Availability:

  • The CQ Pre/Post Assessment is available for participants in English, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Simplified Chinese, French, and German.
  • The CQ Pre/Post Feedback Reports are available in English & Spanish.

If you would like to purchase and complete this product on your own, please purchase the Individual version of this product here.

Add seats to your license here, 1 seat is already included.

Free Download

The CQ Team Packet

Now, more than ever, companies have teams that face challenges due to being multicultural or multigenerational. Teams with Cultural Intelligence can work past these differences and thrive.

We have gathered a collection of Cultural Intelligence team pieces written by social scientist, speaker, author, and CQC co-founder Dr. David Livermore. This manual will help you and your team start their CQ journeys.

To receive your free download, fill out the form below.

By submitting this form, you agree to receive promotional emails from The Cultural Intelligence Center (you can opt-out at any time).  We will send you an email with a link to download the CQ Team Manual