Healthcare Bias Training Options - Stay In Touch

We plan to start scheduling 1 and 2 hour Healthcare Bias Training webinars and eLearnings starting in May.  Sign up below to be alerted to when the trainings become available and receive a coupon for 35% off the retail price.

Fill out the short form below and we will let you know (via email) when our 1 and 2 hour training sessions are available.  As a reminder, we will offer a 1-hour webinar style training for those that need 1 hour of Implicit Bias training.  We will offer a 2-hour training session that will consist of a webinar (1 hr) and eLearning (1 hr) for those that need 2 hours of Implicit Bias training.  Both versions will fulfill the LARA training requirements for Implicit Bias in healthcare.

We will also send you a coupon for 35% off of the retail price of either training option.

Thank you for all that you do!

Free Download

The CQ Team Manual

Now, more than ever, companies have teams that face challenges due to being multicultural or multigenerational. Teams with Cultural Intelligence can work past these differences and thrive.

We have gathered a collection of Cultural Intelligence team pieces written by social scientist, speaker, author, and CQC co-founder Dr. David Livermore. This manual will help you and your team start their CQ journeys.

To receive your free download, fill out the form below.

By submitting this form, you agree to receive promotional emails from The Cultural Intelligence Center (you can opt-out at any time).  We will send you an email with a link to download the CQ Team Manual