DoD CQ Certification and Train-the-Trainer

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Event Overview


Diplomatic Language Services
1901 N. Fort Myer Dr., Ste. 600
Arlington, VA 22209


3 Days


USD $2,100
(This highly discounted rate is only available to those participating with the DLNSEO CQ Assessment contract.)

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This CQ Certification & Train-the-Trainer program is specifically customized for the Department of Defense. This 3-part program will cover the following:

  • CQ Certification (Level 1) – CQ Certification introduces you to the research and history behind the CQ model and why it matters. As part of the pre-certification work, you will complete the CQ Assessment and during certification learn how to effectively debrief assessment Feedback Reports. In addition, you will get a full set of research-based strategies for helping others improve their CQ.
  • CQ Train-the-Trainer (Level 2) – During this train-the-trainer, you will learn how to run the Developing Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Workshop, a highly interactive half or full day program that provides an introduction to the CQ model and research. In addition, the program will include an overview of bias, its impact on mission engagement, and the use of cultural intelligence to effectively manage bias. You will receive examples and best practices for using CQ within your organization and leave with an action plan for improving cultural intelligence.
  • Customized DoD Scenario Development and Strategy Session – CQ Center facilitators will work alongside you and other participants to create customized content for use within your organizations.

Program Schedule

The program will begin at 0800 on Tuesday 15 October and end by 1730 on Thursday 17 October.

Day One: CQ Research & Assessment

  • Research foundations of cultural intelligence
  • Debriefing the CQ Assessments
  • Links to DoD priorities

Day Two: CQ Train-the-Trainer

  • Review the one-day Developing CQ Workshop
  • Discuss content/activity modifications needed for DoD
  • Review contexts for CQ training in DoD

Day Three: CQ & DoD Scenarios

  • Links between CQ, bias, and DoD effectiveness
  • Develop DoD specific scenarios for CQ assessment and development
  • Strategy session

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Get Started!

There are many ways to start your journey toward Cultural Intelligence. Below are just a few options to help you get started. Contact us today for additional options.

CQ Store CQ Solutions

Complimentary Cultural Intelligence for Leaders Packet

Learn to Lead with Cultural Intelligence

Now, more than ever, companies need effective leaders at all levels of the organization. Being able to bring together and get the best out of team members from different generations, socio-economic backgrounds, ethnic roots, countries, religions, and educational backgrounds requires a Culturally Intelligent Leader.

We have a collection of Cultural Intelligence leadership articles written by social scientist, speaker, and author Dr. David Livermore.  The article topics include:

  • 5 Questions Culturally Intelligent Leaders Ask Themselves Every Day
  • Leadership Advice You Should Ignore
  • How Culturally Intelligent Leaders Make Decisions

About the Author

David Livermore, PhD (Michigan State University) is a social scientist devoted to the topics of cultural intelligence (CQ) and global leadership and the author of several award-winning books. Learn more about Dr. David Livermore by visiting his website.

To receive your complimentary CQ for Leaders Packet, please provide your email address below.

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