CQ Store

Start Your Journey Toward Cultural Intelligence Here

Our Culturally Intelligent approach equips individuals and teams with practical skills and proven strategies to drive real impact and foster positive behavioral change. In simple terms, we help people collaborate and work together more effectively.

What We Offer

Upon purchasing any of our products below, you will receive an activation code for our Learning Portal, enabling you to set up a learning program for your group. Our products provide administrator tools for delivering assessments and training, as well as resources for learners to complete their tasks.

CQ Pro Assessment: Measure Cultural Intelligence & Behavioral Preferences

Behavioral Preferences Profile: Assess Behavioral Preferences

CQ Pre/Post Assessment: Measure Cultural Intelligence Over Time

Team Behavioral Preferences Map

CQ Pro Assessment and Team Mapping

Upon purchasing any of our products below, you will receive an activation code for our Learning Portal, enabling you to set up a learning program for your group. Our products provide administrator tools for delivering assessments and training, as well as resources for learners to complete their tasks.

MyCQ® Pro: Understanding Cultural Intelligence & Behavioral Preferences

MyCQ®: Understanding Cultural Intelligence

Understanding Behavioral Preferences

MyUB®: Managing Bias with Cultural Intelligence

CQ for Effective Policing

Applying CQ: Using CQ in Everyday Life

Upon purchasing any of our public workshops below, you will receive an activation code for our Learning Portal where you will complete prework for your workshop and schedule your workshop date. 

Developing CQ® Workshop

CQ® Your Bias Workshop

CQ® for Teams Workshop

The Culturally Intelligent Educator Workshop

Implicit Bias In Healthcare Workshop

Enhancing Team Leadership with Cultural Intelligence Workshop

Upon purchasing any of our certifications below, you will be contacted by our events team to coordinate your program. 

CQ® Certification

CQ® Train-the-Trainer

CQ Refresher

Unconscious Bias Train-the-Trainer

CQ For Teams Train-the-Trainer

Upon purchasing any of our products below, you will receive an activation code for our Learning Portal. Once redeemed, you can start your training immediately.

Courses for Michigan Healthcare Workers

Implicit Bias in Healthcare Online Training – 1 HR

Implicit Bias in Healthcare Self-Paced Masterclass – 2 HR

Implicit Bias in Healthcare Pre-Recorded Video Training – 1 HR

Implicit Bias In Healthcare Workshop

Implicit Bias In Healthcare Digital Course – Free Trial

Courses for Illinois Healthcare Workers

Implicit Bias in Healthcare Online Training – 1 HR

Implicit Bias in Healthcare Pre-Recorded Video Training – 1 HR

Implicit Bias In Healthcare Digital Course – Free Trial

Upon purchasing any of our products below, you will receive an activation code for our Learning Portal, enabling you to set up a learning program for your group. Our products provide administrator tools for delivering assessments and training, as well as resources for learners to complete their tasks.

CQ Starter: A 10-Minute Introduction to Cultural Intelligence

Introduction to Managing Bias Digital Course

Implicit Bias In Healthcare Digital Course – Free Trial

Are You an Individual Looking to Assess and Improve Your CQ®?

Our assessments aren’t just for groups. If you want to grow your Cultural Intelligence on your own, check out our assessments and courses for individuals. You’ll find the same powerful tools tailored for personal use, so you can discover your strengths and start improving today.

Free Download

The CQ Team Packet

Now, more than ever, companies have teams that face challenges due to being multicultural or multigenerational. Teams with Cultural Intelligence can work past these differences and thrive.

We have gathered a collection of Cultural Intelligence team pieces written by social scientist, speaker, author, and CQC co-founder Dr. David Livermore. This manual will help you and your team start their CQ journeys.

To receive your free download, fill out the form below.

By submitting this form, you agree to receive promotional emails from The Cultural Intelligence Center (you can opt-out at any time).  We will send you an email with a link to download the CQ Team Manual