After 10 years of preparation to become a world class health care facility in Qatar, Sidra Medicine opens its doors on 14 January. As part of ensuring five star service to patients and families, Sidra has provided cultural intelligence training for 400 clinical and non-clinical leaders over the last 8 weeks. As a part of building cultural intelligence into their organizational values, Sidra been using various media channels in an exemplary fashion that put a spotlight on their journey to becoming a more culturally intelligent organization:
- Newsletter – A Case for Action: A focus on Cultural Intelligence at Sidra will ensure the best use of multiple perspectives and diverse human resources. It will drive up innovation and creativity, and enable Sidra to offer the best in patient care.
- Local Newspaper – Sidra is the first organization in Qatar to adopt cultural intelligence into its corporate learning and employee engagement programs.
- Social media – For in the moment updates, Sidra shared about the training sessions on Twitter. To increase excitement, they provided a teaser for participants in upcoming sessions via this YouTube video.
We’re proud to call Sidra one of our leading partners who are using CQ to save and improve lives!