
Certification Details

Thank you for registering for our Certification program(s). We are looking forward to you joining us!

Please review the information below as you prepare for the program(s).

Session Details

Here are a few details to help you prepare for our time together

  • Location/Venue
  • Schedule
  • Attire
  • Meals

Certification will be held at the Millennium Plaza Dubai.

We do not have a discounted room block confirmed, and lodging at the Millenium Plaza for the Certification is not required.

Please see the Hotel & Lodging document for alternative lodging options as well as nearby airport locations.


Monday, 28 October

  • CQ Certification – 09:00 – 17:00 (lunch included)

Tuesday, 29 October

  • CQ Certification – 09:00 – 17:00 (lunch included)

Wednesday, 30 October

  • CQ Train-the-Trainer – 09:00 – 17:00 (lunch included)

Thursday, 31 October

  • CQ Train-the-Trainer – 09:00 – 12:00


A detailed schedule can be found on our website.

Cultural Intelligence

Dress is business casual. PLEASE feel free to dress comfortably!


Lunch will be provided on 28, 29, and 30 October. Coffee and tea service will also be included on all days.

**If you have not done so already, please contact us if you would like to request a specific meal (e.g. vegetarian, vegan, halal, etc.) or if you have any food allergies.

If you have requested a specific meal or contacted us with a specific food allergy, please be sure to notify the serving staff at the hotel. We have a large group attending the certification, so even though your requests have been passed along, we want to be sure there are no mistakes.**

Dinner: You’re invited to join us on the first night of the CQ Certification program for dinner. The restaurant will be within walking distance of the hotel. Participation is optional, and the cost is not included with the certification fee. However, this is a great opportunity to network with the other participants.


Certification will be held at the Millennium Plaza Dubai.

We do not have a discounted room block confirmed, and lodging at the Millenium Plaza for the Certification is not required.

Please see the Hotel & Lodging document for alternative lodging options as well as nearby airport locations.


Monday, 28 October

  • CQ Certification – 09:00 – 17:00 (lunch included)

Tuesday, 29 October

  • CQ Certification – 09:00 – 17:00 (lunch included)

Wednesday, 30 October

  • CQ Train-the-Trainer – 09:00 – 17:00 (lunch included)

Thursday, 31 October

  • CQ Train-the-Trainer – 09:00 – 12:00


A detailed schedule can be found on our website.

Cultural Intelligence

Dress is business casual. PLEASE feel free to dress comfortably!


Lunch will be provided on 28, 29, and 30 October. Coffee and tea service will also be included on all days.

**If you have not done so already, please contact us if you would like to request a specific meal (e.g. vegetarian, vegan, halal, etc.) or if you have any food allergies.

If you have requested a specific meal or contacted us with a specific food allergy, please be sure to notify the serving staff at the hotel. We have a large group attending the certification, so even though your requests have been passed along, we want to be sure there are no mistakes.**

Dinner: You’re invited to join us on the first night of the CQ Certification program for dinner. The restaurant will be within walking distance of the hotel. Participation is optional, and the cost is not included with the certification fee. However, this is a great opportunity to network with the other participants.

Pre-Certification Requirements

The information below outlines the pre-work you are required to complete prior to attending the training in Dubai.

Click Each Section to Learn More.

  • CQ Certification Requirements
  • FAQ

For the CQ Certification, you will be asked to take the CQ Multi-Rater Assessment.

The assessment is based on your personal evaluation of your intercultural capabilities as well as the perspective of 5 colleagues you select to complete the assessment on your behalf.

Step One:

Please click here or copy and paste the link below to begin taking the assessment:

Step Two:

Contact five people who know you well and ask them if they will complete this for you. Ideally, you should ask observers who have been with you in multicultural situations – at home or abroad. Don’t be intimidated by this. You’re the only one who will see the results of the assessment. And you can assure your observers that their input will be aggregated with the responses of your four other observers so that you will never see anyone’s individual responses.

When we send you the instructions, you will be asked to enter the email addresses for 5 observers – people who have agreed to do this for you. It usually takes about 5-10 minutes for them to complete the observer survey, and it’s done fully online.

In the meantime, please, It’s important that you contact these individuals first because when you enter their email addresses in our system, they will automatically receive instructions and the link for completing the assessment.

Both you and your observers must complete the assessment by EOD October 16 in order for you to receive your full feedback report at the training session.



Please take some time to read through a report on cultural intelligence for HR professionals that was published by The Economist Unit and SHRM. The report reviews the research on CQ, compares several intercultural assessments, and provides practical ways to use CQ in learning and development programs. Please click here to read the report.

In addition, please click here to watch an introductory video with Dr. David Livermore on CQ.

Cultural Intelligence

Why didn’t I receive a copy of my results?

You will receive a printed copy of your feedback report at the face-to-face training. Access to your completed report will not be granted prior to this time.


I forgot my password.

Please click here and click the “forgot password” link to reset it.


I took the assessment, but realized afterward that I accidentally answered opposite of what I meant to (i.e., completely agree instead of completely disagree). Is there a way I can go back and change my answers or retake the assessment?

You may reset your assessment responses at any time while taking the assessment, up until it has been submitted. If you make this realization after submitting your assessment, please email


How do I invite observers to complete the assessment on my behalf?

Please login to your participant profile in the portal, and click on the “Invite Observers” button on your dashboard, towards the bottom of the screen under the “Observers” heading. You may then copy/paste or simply type the email addresses of your observers in the invitation field, and then click on “Send Invitations”. Observers will be sent an assessment invite from our system to the email address entered for them. It will also be sent from


CQ Multi-Rater Assessment – Observers  

My observer says they did not receive the automated email from the portal with instructions for taking the assessment.

First, please double check that your observer’s email address was entered correctly in the portal. If you need to change contact information, please do so by logging into your dashboard. If needed, you may also resend invitations to observers by clicking on the “resend invitation” link from your dashboard.

Second, please have your observer check their spam folder to ensure the invite was not accidentally filtered through there. The invite will be sent from


Can I see how many of my observers have completed the assessment/can you tell me who has/has not completed the assessment?

By logging into your portal account, you can see the number of participants who have completed (i.e., “3 out of 5”) at any given time. However, due to our confidentiality policy, you are not able to see specific names of who has/has not completed.

Instead, you may resend observer invitations, or add additional observers to ensure maximum completion. Additionally, we will be monitoring observer completion and sending out reminders periodically to Certification participants as needed.


Can I enter more than 5 observers?

Yes, please feel free to enter as many observers as you’d like. 5 is ideal, but completion by only 3 observers is required to have observer feedback included in your feedback report.

If you need to add additional observers at a later time, you may do so from your dashboard.

CQ Certification Requirements

For the CQ Certification, you will be asked to take the CQ Multi-Rater Assessment.

The assessment is based on your personal evaluation of your intercultural capabilities as well as the perspective of 5 colleagues you select to complete the assessment on your behalf.

Step One:

Please click here or copy and paste the link below to begin taking the assessment:

Step Two:

Contact five people who know you well and ask them if they will complete this for you. Ideally, you should ask observers who have been with you in multicultural situations – at home or abroad. Don’t be intimidated by this. You’re the only one who will see the results of the assessment. And you can assure your observers that their input will be aggregated with the responses of your four other observers so that you will never see anyone’s individual responses.

When we send you the instructions, you will be asked to enter the email addresses for 5 observers – people who have agreed to do this for you. It usually takes about 5-10 minutes for them to complete the observer survey, and it’s done fully online.

In the meantime, please, It’s important that you contact these individuals first because when you enter their email addresses in our system, they will automatically receive instructions and the link for completing the assessment.

Both you and your observers must complete the assessment by EOD October 16 in order for you to receive your full feedback report at the training session.



Please take some time to read through a report on cultural intelligence for HR professionals that was published by The Economist Unit and SHRM. The report reviews the research on CQ, compares several intercultural assessments, and provides practical ways to use CQ in learning and development programs. Please click here to read the report.

In addition, please click here to watch an introductory video with Dr. David Livermore on CQ.

Cultural Intelligence

Why didn’t I receive a copy of my results?

You will receive a printed copy of your feedback report at the face-to-face training. Access to your completed report will not be granted prior to this time.


I forgot my password.

Please click here and click the “forgot password” link to reset it.


I took the assessment, but realized afterward that I accidentally answered opposite of what I meant to (i.e., completely agree instead of completely disagree). Is there a way I can go back and change my answers or retake the assessment?

You may reset your assessment responses at any time while taking the assessment, up until it has been submitted. If you make this realization after submitting your assessment, please email


How do I invite observers to complete the assessment on my behalf?

Please login to your participant profile in the portal, and click on the “Invite Observers” button on your dashboard, towards the bottom of the screen under the “Observers” heading. You may then copy/paste or simply type the email addresses of your observers in the invitation field, and then click on “Send Invitations”. Observers will be sent an assessment invite from our system to the email address entered for them. It will also be sent from


CQ Multi-Rater Assessment – Observers  

My observer says they did not receive the automated email from the portal with instructions for taking the assessment.

First, please double check that your observer’s email address was entered correctly in the portal. If you need to change contact information, please do so by logging into your dashboard. If needed, you may also resend invitations to observers by clicking on the “resend invitation” link from your dashboard.

Second, please have your observer check their spam folder to ensure the invite was not accidentally filtered through there. The invite will be sent from


Can I see how many of my observers have completed the assessment/can you tell me who has/has not completed the assessment?

By logging into your portal account, you can see the number of participants who have completed (i.e., “3 out of 5”) at any given time. However, due to our confidentiality policy, you are not able to see specific names of who has/has not completed.

Instead, you may resend observer invitations, or add additional observers to ensure maximum completion. Additionally, we will be monitoring observer completion and sending out reminders periodically to Certification participants as needed.


Can I enter more than 5 observers?

Yes, please feel free to enter as many observers as you’d like. 5 is ideal, but completion by only 3 observers is required to have observer feedback included in your feedback report.

If you need to add additional observers at a later time, you may do so from your dashboard.

We look forward to having you as a part of our program(s) in Dubai. During the certification(s), you will be presented with the exclusive rates and opportunities offered as a bonus for participating in the program.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have!

Get Started!

There are many ways to start your journey toward Cultural Intelligence. Below are just a few options to help you get started. Contact us today for additional options.

CQ Store CQ Solutions

Complimentary Cultural Intelligence for Leaders Packet

Learn to Lead with Cultural Intelligence

Now, more than ever, companies need effective leaders at all levels of the organization. Being able to bring together and get the best out of team members from different generations, socio-economic backgrounds, ethnic roots, countries, religions, and educational backgrounds requires a Culturally Intelligent Leader.

We have a collection of Cultural Intelligence leadership articles written by social scientist, speaker, and author Dr. David Livermore.  The article topics include:

  • 5 Questions Culturally Intelligent Leaders Ask Themselves Every Day
  • Leadership Advice You Should Ignore
  • How Culturally Intelligent Leaders Make Decisions

About the Author

David Livermore, PhD (Michigan State University) is a social scientist devoted to the topics of cultural intelligence (CQ) and global leadership and the author of several award-winning books. Learn more about Dr. David Livermore by visiting his website.

To receive your complimentary CQ for Leaders Packet, please provide your email address below.

By submitting this form, you agree to receive promotional emails from The Cultural Intelligence Center (you can opt-out at any time).  We will send you an email with a link to download CQ for Leaders Packet.