DoD CQ Certification & Train-the-Trainer

Event Details

Thank you for registering for the DoD CQ Certification & Train-the-Trainer program. We’re looking forward to you joining us!

Please review the important information below to prepare for the event.

Session Details

Here are a few details to help you prepare for our time together

  • Location/Venue
  • Schedule
  • Attire
  • Meals

Certification will be held at:

Diplomatic Language Services
1901 N. Fort Myer Dr., Ste. 600 | Arlington, VA 22209

Please see the Hotel and Lodging document to see a list of potential options, as well as nearby airport locations.


This event will begin at 0830 on Tuesday 15 October and end by 1730 on Thursday 17 October. The following provides a brief overview of the schedule.

Day One (0830-1730): CQ Research and Assessment

  • Research foundations of cultural intelligence
  • Debriefing the CQ Assessments
  • Links to DoD priorities


Day Two (0830-1730): CQ Train-the-Trainer

  • Review the one-day Developing CQ Workshop
  • Discuss content/activity modifications needed for DoD
  • Review contexts for CQ training in DoD


Day Three (0830-1730): CQ and DoD Scenarios

  • Links between CQ, bias, and DoD effectiveness
  • Develop DoD specific scenarios for CQ assessment and development
  • Strategy session

In order to receive your certification, you must attend all portions. Please do not schedule any appointments/calls during these hours.

Cultural Intelligence

Dress is business casual. PLEASE feel free to dress comfortably!


Light snacks and coffee breaks will be provided on site for morning and afternoon breaks. Meals will be on your own during provided breaks.


You’re invited to join us on the second night of the CQ Certification program for dinner. The restaurant will be near the venue. Participation is optional, and the cost is not included with certification fee. However, this is a great opportunity to connect with the other certification participants.


Certification will be held at:

Diplomatic Language Services
1901 N. Fort Myer Dr., Ste. 600 | Arlington, VA 22209

Please see the Hotel and Lodging document to see a list of potential options, as well as nearby airport locations.


This event will begin at 0830 on Tuesday 15 October and end by 1730 on Thursday 17 October. The following provides a brief overview of the schedule.

Day One (0830-1730): CQ Research and Assessment

  • Research foundations of cultural intelligence
  • Debriefing the CQ Assessments
  • Links to DoD priorities


Day Two (0830-1730): CQ Train-the-Trainer

  • Review the one-day Developing CQ Workshop
  • Discuss content/activity modifications needed for DoD
  • Review contexts for CQ training in DoD


Day Three (0830-1730): CQ and DoD Scenarios

  • Links between CQ, bias, and DoD effectiveness
  • Develop DoD specific scenarios for CQ assessment and development
  • Strategy session

In order to receive your certification, you must attend all portions. Please do not schedule any appointments/calls during these hours.

Cultural Intelligence

Dress is business casual. PLEASE feel free to dress comfortably!


Light snacks and coffee breaks will be provided on site for morning and afternoon breaks. Meals will be on your own during provided breaks.


You’re invited to join us on the second night of the CQ Certification program for dinner. The restaurant will be near the venue. Participation is optional, and the cost is not included with certification fee. However, this is a great opportunity to connect with the other certification participants.

Pre-Event Requirements

The information below outlines the pre-work you are required to complete prior to attending the event.

Click Each Section to learn more.

  • Pre-Event Requirements
  • FAQ


Prior to this event, you will need to complete the CQ Military Survey. Please click on the button below to begin taking the assessment:

Begin Assessment

You must complete the assessment by EOD 1 October in order for you to receive your full feedback report at the training session. The assessment will take approximately 15-20 minutes.



Once you have completed the CQ Military Survey, the Portal will grant you access to complete MyCQ. This eLearning will debrief your assessment feedback report, as well as provide an overview of cultural values and cultural intelligence.

It is essential that you take the assessment and complete the eLearning prior to the CQ Certification & Train-the-Trainer. Doing so will enrich the group discussion and allow us to focus on application.

The eLearning is broken into modules so that you can work on it at your own pace. Please allow 2 hours total for completing MyCQ.



Please take some time to read through this brief on CQ and security forces. This brief examines the application of CQ to defense work to date, as well as connects it to Dr. Louise Rasmussen’s Adaptive Readiness for Culture (ARC) Model. You can read the brief here:

Read Brief

Please also read this SHRM and The Economist Unit published report on cultural intelligence for HR professionals. The report reviews the research on CQ, compares several intercultural assessments, and provides practical ways to use CQ in learning and development programs. You will find the report here:

Read Report

In addition, please take a minute to watch the following video from us:

Watch Video

Cultural Intelligence

Why didn’t I receive a copy of my results?

You will receive a printed copy of your feedback report at the face-to-face training. Access to your completed report will not be granted prior to this time.


I forgot my password.

Please go to  and click the “forgot password” link.


I took the assessment but realized afterward that I accidentally answered opposite of what I meant to (i.e., completely agree instead of completely disagree). Is there a way I can go back and change my answers or retake the assessment?

You may reset your assessment responses at any time while taking the assessment, up until it has been submitted. If you make this realization after submitting your assessment, please email 

Pre-Event Requirements


Prior to this event, you will need to complete the CQ Military Survey. Please click on the button below to begin taking the assessment:

Begin Assessment

You must complete the assessment by EOD 1 October in order for you to receive your full feedback report at the training session. The assessment will take approximately 15-20 minutes.



Once you have completed the CQ Military Survey, the Portal will grant you access to complete MyCQ. This eLearning will debrief your assessment feedback report, as well as provide an overview of cultural values and cultural intelligence.

It is essential that you take the assessment and complete the eLearning prior to the CQ Certification & Train-the-Trainer. Doing so will enrich the group discussion and allow us to focus on application.

The eLearning is broken into modules so that you can work on it at your own pace. Please allow 2 hours total for completing MyCQ.



Please take some time to read through this brief on CQ and security forces. This brief examines the application of CQ to defense work to date, as well as connects it to Dr. Louise Rasmussen’s Adaptive Readiness for Culture (ARC) Model. You can read the brief here:

Read Brief

Please also read this SHRM and The Economist Unit published report on cultural intelligence for HR professionals. The report reviews the research on CQ, compares several intercultural assessments, and provides practical ways to use CQ in learning and development programs. You will find the report here:

Read Report

In addition, please take a minute to watch the following video from us:

Watch Video

Cultural Intelligence

Why didn’t I receive a copy of my results?

You will receive a printed copy of your feedback report at the face-to-face training. Access to your completed report will not be granted prior to this time.


I forgot my password.

Please go to  and click the “forgot password” link.


I took the assessment but realized afterward that I accidentally answered opposite of what I meant to (i.e., completely agree instead of completely disagree). Is there a way I can go back and change my answers or retake the assessment?

You may reset your assessment responses at any time while taking the assessment, up until it has been submitted. If you make this realization after submitting your assessment, please email 

We look forward to having you participate with the DoD CQ Certification & Train-the-Trainer program. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Get Started!

There are many ways to start your journey toward Cultural Intelligence. Below are just a few options to help you get started. Contact us today for additional options.

CQ Store CQ Solutions

Complimentary Cultural Intelligence for Leaders Packet

Learn to Lead with Cultural Intelligence

Now, more than ever, companies need effective leaders at all levels of the organization. Being able to bring together and get the best out of team members from different generations, socio-economic backgrounds, ethnic roots, countries, religions, and educational backgrounds requires a Culturally Intelligent Leader.

We have a collection of Cultural Intelligence leadership articles written by social scientist, speaker, and author Dr. David Livermore.  The article topics include:

  • 5 Questions Culturally Intelligent Leaders Ask Themselves Every Day
  • Leadership Advice You Should Ignore
  • How Culturally Intelligent Leaders Make Decisions

About the Author

David Livermore, PhD (Michigan State University) is a social scientist devoted to the topics of cultural intelligence (CQ) and global leadership and the author of several award-winning books. Learn more about Dr. David Livermore by visiting his website.

To receive your complimentary CQ for Leaders Packet, please provide your email address below.

By submitting this form, you agree to receive promotional emails from The Cultural Intelligence Center (you can opt-out at any time).  We will send you an email with a link to download CQ for Leaders Packet.