Cultural Intelligence Certification
CQ Certification comes with a wide variety of tools, resources and support designed to help you meet your goals as a CQ Certified Facilitator.
The best part about our CQ Facilitator resources is that they are part of the Cultural Intelligence Center’s intellectual property and can only be utilized upon completion of CQ Certification. This means that you will be one of a small number of people around the world who are permitted and equipped to utilize these research-backed resources.

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Certified Facilitators
Available Resources
CQ Certified Facilitator Resources
CQ Certification Only:
Ideal for Administering and Debriefing CQ Assessments
- MyCQ™ Pro: Understanding My Cultural Intelligence & Behavioral Preferences e-learning course
- CQ Certification Manual
- CQ Slide Decks With Teaching Notes
- Cultural Intelligence Readings
- CQ 360 Assessment and Feedback Report
- Additional Teaching and Coaching Resources
- Digital Credentials including a Certificate of Completion and Digital Badge
CQ Certification + CQ Train-the-Trainer:
Ideal for Delivering CQ-Specific Workshops
- Everything In CQ Certification, Plus:
- Workshop-Specific Slide Deck With Teaching Notes
- Workshop-Specific Participant Guide
- Case Studies
- Teaching videos
- Activity templates
- Digital Credentials including a Certificate of Completion and Digital Badge
Preview Some of the Available Resources
Get started - choose which option is best for you
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Start Here: Debrief CQ® Assessment Reports
CQ® Certification deepens your understanding of Cultural Intelligence and the CQ® model and how it can be effectively applied in multicultural contexts. It equips you to administer and debrief the CQ® assessments. By completing this course, you will be part of a select global audience certified in Cultural Intelligence.
Already certified but looking for a refresher? Retake CQ® Certification at a discounted rate.

Grow: Deliver CQ® and Unconsious Bias Workshops
Our Train-the-Trainer programs equip facilitators to lead workshops on cultural intelligence, unconscious bias, and team collaboration, fostering inclusivity and effectiveness. Participants receive comprehensive resources, including guides, slide decks, and materials, ensuring they are prepared for impactful sessions. Certifying your trainers builds internal expertise, supports sustainable development, and drives meaningful organizational change.

Get the Best Value and Save 10%! Debrief CQ® Assessment Reports and Deliver Workshops
Enhance your expertise with our CQ® Certification bundled with Train-the-Trainer programs, allowing you to administer CQ® assessments and lead workshops on cultural intelligence, unconscious bias, and team dynamics. This comprehensive package equips you with the skills and resources to promote inclusivity and effectiveness within your organization. Save 10% when you purchase the bundle and drive meaningful change tailored to your organization’s goals.